Do You..?


Do you ever think

of who you are and question why…

why do I live my life, then die?..

Life seems a journey, to learn as you grow

to keep your heart true, never let go

Of the sense of worth you hold inside

to walk your path, tread it with pride.

The end is a mystery no-one can solve

your belief is your armour, as you learn to evolve…

So, … do you ever think

of who you are and question why…

why do I live my life, then die?..

LadyP © 2010

9 responses to “Do You..?

  1. I used to ask why—why am I here
    But with age the answer becomes all too clear
    Life’s not a journey you follow by chance
    By guess and by God—it’s more like a dance.


  2. I have often wondered this. Excellent poem Lady P.



  3. Yes we all need to grow and change – the only problem is that when we finally get a handle on things our lives are almost over! 🙂

    Never waste a day hun – they don’t come back and as we proceed through our lives the days in front grow steadily less and those behind us more…

    Love and hugs always!



  4. I no longer question why but accept the fact that there is a reason and a purpose set by someone who has a plan for all of us , to that end how we act and cope in this life will determine our standing at the final hour, well written


  5. i think often what am i doing here.//
    Why do i see everything through my eyes.
    Beautiful written Lady P


  6. This is a truly wonderful Poem Lady Pen, I can see that you are evoloving into a very good writer, keep up this most excellent work.

    May I say that you have a keen eye for the mastery of the written word. Be well now my great friend. Androgoth XXx


  7. i will believe in the afterlife when i get concrete proof which i have not yet after nearly five yrs of persueing it enjoy life as best you can as it starts to rush by and you try to rein it in but time waits for no one great blog my kind of subject pen xxjen


  8. I don’t go there anymore…that’s one way of (not) dealing with it…the choice is ours. Thanks, Lady Pen…excellent.


  9. I couldn’t help but smile all the way through reading this gorgeous story 🙂
    I’m very pleased to see you continuing with your writing.
    And of course…to see you!
    Who I hope is well and having a pretty good day!



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