Just Sometimes…



sometimes In sleep,
I wish ne’er to wake up.
No more slake my thirst
from the living cup.
No more feel pain
‘ere truth I see.
weigh heavy,
a burden they be.
LeafIs it a sin to wish
for this life to end?
TO want to hail Death
as a welcome friend?
TO need something more
than life has to give?
  Yet the World offers much,
should one perhaps live?
LeafDays are so different,
one from another
this day is hard as
I try to smother
acid feelings that
bubble as anger and pain.
Mayhap one can start 
at the beginning


57 responses to “Just Sometimes…

  1. A deep and thoughtful poem, this one, Pen, once again well written.
    If we could start things again, what would we choose to do differently? An impossible question to answer, I think, because one change could mean missing so much more…


    • I always try to ask impossible questions Sir Aquatom, ’tis my personal quest in this life… 😀 and yes, a change here, would create a knock on effect and who knows where the ripples would end? … a crack in space and time continuum mayhap? … Glad you enjoyed the read of this one … xx


  2. sorry about your awful empty feelings pen i know ive felt it a few times in the past month and still feeling it now as i take each day as it comes with hope you wont ever get over it pen ive been through it so many times with all my dogs since a child ive always had a dog or two i had three lovely border collies before the sheps they all lived to old age one my mr mgrew was 17 so although we never get over it things eventually will not be as raw hope you dont mind me saying pen but have you thought of getting another as im sure your baby wouldnt mind and she would want you to be happy xxjen


    • I’m taking each day as it comes Jen, just as you say, but for some reason it’s harder on some days than others… my ex is going thro’ the same feelings so In many ways we both have a shoulder to cry on… (Wet shoulders eh?… 😀 ) It’s not an option at the mo, another furry friend, I’ve changed my hours at work and it wouldn’t be fair, always with my girl I could count on flexitime, and we spent lots of hours together. So many happy times…Hugs to you my friend, for all the pain in the past, and all the love you’ve shared with your furry friends. and hugs to to you and your Heidi…xPenx


  3. A very thought provoking writing on the drawn out drudgery of living today.
    Makes me womder who made it compulsory to live to old age sometimes
    Aussie Ian aka Emu


    • Thank you Ian, it’s a poem which just came to mind, asking questions on life and it’s continuance thro’ all the differing shades of days, some black,, some gray and some simply magical sparkling white. Sometimes life can be a drudgery bringing to mind the question what’s the point of it all… but there’s always a lifting of spirits, something to make another day seem just that bit brighter. AND here’s me going on, and on….apols… Hope today is a good day my friend… xPenx


  4. life is never a heavy burden. its challenges are to be relished. how else can living be fun, not dull and boring?


    • we can only speak for our own time on this earth and what comes our way, fallenelegy, who’s to say that others are not challenged more by life and therefore tested greatly… Life is what you make of it. some say… but I say life is what ‘it’ makes of you… it tries to mold you and it’s up to you to find your strengths and break free…and that starts by simple questioning.. x


  5. “All my life, my heart has yearned for a thing I cannot name.” ~ Andre Breton


  6. Aaah. Heartfelt sadness. I hate it when trapped within my woes. Not so much the woes as the feeling, for a bit, that nothing could be good again. I think tears wash our windows and I feel better for them. Oh yes, each moment is new and each experience somehow feels like a rebirth. I think death may also be a rebirth; at least I feel like that. However, like birth, it comes in its own time……. Not to waste the time in between or wreck the mysteries yet to be discovered by succumbing to sadness. Obviously, I felt this poem to my bones, Pen. Well written, for you have captured one of the human conditions oh so well; the one we don’t like to talk about.


    • So so true, Leslie, talking about Death and the feelings of depression and being weighed down, and unable to feel that you’ll ever ‘rise’ again, is anathema to modern day living and ideals on normality. We have to put on a brave face… There’s so much unexplained and inexplicable to our human Psyche, and surely the darkness is just the flip side of light…and we need to explore what makes us so, so full of self doubt and the need to search, continuously for things to make us happy… As if without being full of smiles and happiness every day makes life so much less worth living. Not so, and we have to accept this… or be forever left full of doubts and wanting. xx


  7. Sometimes we build on the ashes and become stronger but the past remains with us, part of who we are. Keep your imagination beyond boundaries, and your heart without limits.


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