

Ripples of Space TimeRipples of Space Time If
we could

find our true potential
making us dizzy to rise so high
would we strive forever onwards
with no restrictions as days flit by?
Would we find our minds expanding
taking advantage of long held dreams
or would we question and doubt this talent believing
as it
LadyP © 2011

38 responses to “Doubting….

  1. Lovely words Pen…
    For me, probably doubt and disbelief, waiting for the bubble to burst
    Yin & Yang, Black & white, for every good thing that happens, so will one bad….
    sorry love, I’m in a dark place right now
    Have a good weekend Pen,
    love n hugs xxxx


    • Ah Nick, I know the dark place you’re in, I have been there, and am still held in it’s thrall… No need for apologies my friend.. no need at all. and I think as you, mayhap I would falter and question my abilities… I always doubt…xx


  2. Sensitive as poets be,
    You’d think they would see,
    (that’s including me),
    That their words are magical,
    And work so well,
    That others might fall,
    Beneath their spell,
    And dark days or bright,
    We must take care,
    Of where we lead,
    And what we share.

    Being in touch with emotions leads poets and writers through the deepest hell and highest peaks. For me I touch the extremes but know I can’t stay for long without the aftermath.


    • Many thanks Dan, for your insightful and rhymed comment. I think I for one am always questioning myself, my emotions, as yours, are bonded, always tied up in the poems and stories I write… and I share but constantly wonder, always I wonder. xx


  3. I doubt EVERYthing except God’s love for me & my talent in writing. Have a great weekend, lovely. ღ


  4. Right now, I would think I would believe nothing, as I too am in a dark place at the moment, though in reality who would really know.
    I do know this:
    You poem is beautifully written, Pen!
    Deb xx


    • Lots of {{hugs}} Deb my friend, and dark places occur to let us reflect I think, and work our way out from under the wight we feel. Many thanks for your lovely but sad comment my friend… xxx


  5. Doubts hold us back – for sure. When fear of failure means we can’t get started – we all know about this. Sometimes, and I’m not at all sure about this, I think that supreme confidence in oneself is paired with a lack of real interest in others. But I may be all wet.


    • I fear you could be right Monica, single-mindedness decries a social conscience methinks? … and doubts make us consider all things about us, and gives a chance to mayhap think again, and no, not at all wet my lovely friend… or if so, I’m drenched…. 🙂 xx


  6. Hi Lady P,
    Your beautiful poem posed a question that really is making me think.
    I think probably I let doubts and questions stop me from really letting go and flying too high, I tend to like to be over a safety net for whatever i’m doing, but without a net may be where the best adventures and growth lay.
    Hope you have a wonerful weekend.
    Hugs, Nikki x


    • I have no answer Nikki, I just wonder sometimes if I hold back to much myself, listening to the doubter within…Hugs to you and yours and have a wonderful productive and enjoyable week-end. xx


  7. Hi Pen! 🙂

    Love the poem – how true! 🙂

    We are at our worst when we doubt ourselves…

    Love and hugs!



    • WE are indeed Sir Prenin, self confidence salted with a sprinkling of doubt is more than likely the best combination, but who knows the best recipe?.. 😉 hugs aplenty my friend. xx


  8. Doubts are my daily diet, Pen, but they do not stop me from trying – just attempting to be creative expands the mind, I think – and seeing the creative fruits of others, too


    • Me neither bb, I always try, therefore I do not withhold my creativity, I just question it now and again. many thanks for your contribution my friend, and yes, I agree wholeheartedly… xx


  9. Lots of good thoughts wrapped up in your writing Pen…simply beautiful. Love it!


  10. Onwards and upwards persevering in lifes ambitions and hoping the fall is not to drastic ,like your writing here
    Wishing you a beaut weekend


    • Oh I always check the distance before taking to the heights Ian, … and doubts abound, but mayhap it’d be best to just let go and see what happens?… One never knows.. 🙂 … Glad you enjoyed this one my friend, and all the best to you and Ana, and have a wonderful week-end. xx


  11. Absolutely not Lady Pen, one must push forwards realising one’s dreams and nurturing them, keeping that delightful energy pulsing forever onwards… Dreams are to be savoured and enjoyed, engaging in the wonders as each dream is explored and fulfilled… Living a life of positivity, embracing one’s potential and magnifying it, fully enjoying the richness, not of wealth but a richness of the knowing, and I know that you have much to offer us here, your friends just adore reading your poems and enchanting stories…

    So I say this…

    Have a wondrously nice weekend now and keep
    that wicked potential of yours flowing with excellence

    Androgoth XXx


    • many thanks for your uplifting and stirring words, Andro, and I agree dreams are to be savoured and enjoyed, … the best ones, and I take to heart your comment my great friend, many thanks ….
      hope you’re having a great week-end, Formula 1 watching I bet?… best thing as the weathers decided to pour down…(or at least is has here) .. xx


      • Yes the Skeletons are at this very moment splashing around in the puddles with umbrellas held high in a sort of Gene Kelly ‘Singing in the Rain’ routine, actually one of them has just slipped into a large hole but don’t panic, Uncle Onslo has jumped in after her… The dirty old sod 🙂 lol

        Have a lovely rest of weekend Lady Pen
        and watch out for that JD he likes treasure
        hunting in the niff 🙂 lol

        Androgoth XXx


        • ah, Singing in the rain skeleton style, I’d pay for the privilege of seeing that Andro, I bet it’s a fantastic sight 😀 … and funny you should mention JD… I spent a few hours last night watching my latest acquisition, Pirates of The Caribbean, On Stranger Tides..DVD, not received too well by the critics BUT I revelled in the viewing…Sigh!!


  12. Wunderschön geschrieben deine Gedichte und Getanken und man muss immer an die Liebe glauben,auch wenn man sie nie findet.Wünsche dir ein schönes week-end lieber gruss von mir Gislinde.


  13. Hi Pen, Great poem, and Androgoth’s words have spoken to me too… I have lots of dreams, some achievable some not, but I have doubt in myself. My abilities. My acheivements. I’m a firm believer in the Law of Attraction and what we think about we bring about, and I’m well aware of the devastating impact doubt has on those thoughts, dreams and ideas. I doubt myself and as such other people doubt my abilities too, and tell me so. It becomes a vicious circle. Doubt undermines confidence, and we need to be confident that we can live our dreams. It sounds easy, doesn’t it?
    And it is, once we are free of the doubt. 🙂


    • It does sound so easy Sir Aquatom, to just not doubt oneself. Sometimes I do feel uber-confident, and then something happens and the walls bear faint cracks which threaten to spread. Hopefully we can both learn the art of mortar mixing, to keep our walls sound… (just imagining myself as a hod carrier…. Nah!! stop it Pen…!! ) xxx


  14. Once again a beautiful poem with a wonderful meter, Pen…makes one think hard over the part doubt plays in our lives…


  15. nice poem, I believe any think is achievable as long as we are determined to do and have strong will equally important. so that the shadow of doubt vanish in thin air 🙂 Zahir


    • That’s what we need Zahir, the strong belief in ourselves, and our abilities, but sometimes a small amount of doubt can be healthy methinks… and gives us time to reflect and mayhap alter conceptions… xx


  16. A deep question. I hope I would expand my mind and take advantage of my dreams. But who can say? Great words, Pen. A provoking inquiry indeed. Thank you!


    • I like to ponder, VW, and ask questions of myself and others…to see what results… I too would hope to expand my mind, and live my dreams, …. doubt comes when something unexpected occurs…just for a moment… but hopefully quickly expunged… xx


  17. If there were no doubt, there’d be no questions…and without questions, what is the difference between humanity and any other species?

    “Because I Am”

    Because I am I cannot doubt;
    Because I asked the Muses much too much,
    I found their questions only came when answers touch
    The one who’d truly asked, a sudden thrall, another bout
    Of wonderful, indeed as are they all, but not from inside out
    But more than likely from a shirt I’d borrowed, shoes, and such
    Accoutrements as pleased them all, my ëgo’s crutch,
    Evasion and a sense of powers dark and sinister with clout
    Enough to raise a summer’s gnats as armies in profusion
    Reigning at the meadow’s edge no longer than the lightning lasts but flashes.
    Yes, I always ran but found my way back home again for more—
    In time, of course I found no one knocking at my door or keeping score,
    Although these doubts I found to be the food of courage, yes; and fusion,
    When it came left nothing but the need for rain to cool the coals and ashes.


    • Because I am, John … because I am me, I doubt, and I suppose I always will, as surely without doubt we become as Gods, Our reasoning cannot be wrong, Our thoughts always are true, and as to the questions ‘why’ ,,.. we can answer every one…without doubt… Like Uriah Heep….I am ‘most ‘umble’ (but hopefully not as unctuous) .. xPenx


  18. I truly believe we soar when we have these realizations of potential. Sometimes we get caught up in thinking it is just one thing we need to be when, in truth, we shine in moments and soar the same; pausing to learn along the way. Beautiful poem.


    • Yes, Leslie, I believe as you, we all have our moments to shine and without the doubt,I suppose to ground us, we would not be on the lookout for pitfalls along the way… Pleased you enjoyed this one my friend. xx


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