


Are we figments of a vivid imagination
mayhap our life is naught but a dream,
do we wake of a morn to greet the day
with perceived
reality not solid
as it doth
Einsteins_Dreamscape_by_TomWilcoxIf we be figments of a vivid imagination
somehow part of an epic story thus told,
could all that we love, feel and experience
perhaps be
a warning tale,
many centuries
Einsteins_Dreamscape_by_TomWilcoxCould we actually n’  truly be imagined
should we pinch skin to check for pain?
although, if felt, that could also be imagined,
alas, we’ll
have to think
this all through
Einsteins_Dreamscape_by_TomWilcox LadyP© 2011

72 responses to “Imaginings…

  1. aw this was lovely pen!


  2. Imaginations and dreams , reality or unreality , life is so short that its passing may be only an imagination in our creators eyes


  3. Very enjoyable Pen I am so happy you are not in my figment of imagination. Dreams on the other hand are so vivid , the mind is swirling round . I hope you are having a great day Pen and have a lovely peaceful weekend. Hugs Sheila and Wile-e 🙂 xx


    • Thank you Sheila, wouldn’t it be absolutely strange to be each others figment?… Coincidentally thinking each other up… 😀 … Hmm.. Hope you and Wile-e are enjoying balmy weather and not the wet and more wet we’re experiencing here. .. hugs to you both. xPenx


  4. Witty and fun imagining away a reality, Pen. …and just a wee bit scarey as I like to think I am solidly attached and grounded, here. ….but where is here, right? Is here but a “vivid figment of our imagination” ?


    • Yup, Leslie, where is ‘here’?… We’re told we’re just atoms… Stardust, …. makes you wonder… (well, makes me wonder all time, and look at the result…Questions and more questions. 😉 )… Lovely comment my friend… whether it be imagined or otherwise… xx


  5. Das Leben ist so gurz aber mir dem Traum das kann ich nach vollziehen.Ich wünsche dir liebe Pen ein wunderschönes Wochenende.Und ganz viel liebe Grüsse von mir Gislinde.


  6. j’ai suivi le lien de Gislinde ci-dessus
    et j’ai bien fait ce texte est super beau
    àbientot pour d’autres mots de vous
    je reviendrais dans votre lieu d’écriture miss LadyP


  7. Pen, depending on where my mind is, my imagination loves to play tricks with me. Sometimes, I’m the only living thing in all existence and everything around me is just an image. When I’m in this place, I have to snap out of it very quick like, as I feel very very lonely there… the more you think about things, the deeper you go, the more you start to actually wonder if reality is real and imaginings are imaginary. (By you, I mean me, by the way… well, one or two of mes…) Must go now, Lady P, as another reality beckons!


    • I thought you meant you..not … um. me.. Sir Aqautom, but I followed your reasoning, as your Universe is a completely different reality then it can be totally imagined. really…And delving deeper may be hazardous to my health, so I will cease the pondering for a while , and take a breather methinks. 😀 xPenx


  8. Outstanding imagination. I will rather call it reality and deal with it. At least it’s realer than the after-life they preach.



  9. Imagination is big part of my life and sometime came true in my life:-)
    Not often enough.
    Thank for visit xPenx.
    Have a nice Sunday,


  10. ‘Twas a lovely poem, LadyPen. 🙂

    Like time travel, the paradox of imaginings and dreamings can sometimes set my head spinning. Then I decided that if it’s MY dream/imagination, then I should fill it in with things I want or need. It works. Rarely. lol!


    • But even rarely it’s an amazing tool to have at our command Robin, happy imaginings my friend. … Glad you enjoyed this pondering on “Is life but a dream I ask myself?” ..kind of thing.. 😀 xx


  11. Indeed…are we? 🙂

    I have thought this many times. In my study of religion and ancient writings, the idea of an afterlife was, in many cases, considered the first “reality” to people throughout history. As if this current realm is a simulation, or holographic image. Such a beautifully deep thought! So difficult to answer. As humans, are we qualified to determine our own reality? Are we not starting from a bias? Great work, Pen!


    • Biased we are, VW, totally methinks… I ask many questions and sometimes do not wait for answers, if none is forthcoming I try a different tack in the hope of catching a prevailing wind of thought… might work, might not… 😀 Glad you enjoyed my pondering on reality… and it’s counterpart.. xx


  12. I wonder this, as well. Sometimes in meditation it seems that nothing is real–not us, not that chair, not this computer. Your poem expressed this so well.


    • ah but is my poem real Kathy?. 😉 or did you imagine it?.. Apologies, I shall stop right there, or this response could go on and on ad infinitum… many thanks for your thoughts on the subject, and thank you for dropping by……xx


  13. I love this Lady Pen… and as you know I know we are but Thought.. so .. yes I am imagining writing this right now… For our true selves is nothing more than a frequency of light vibrating.. as is everything around us.. So… Everything was once someones “thought”.. if we think about it.. so we are all imagination.. 🙂 Great Post


    • My thanks Dreamwalker, (I love typing that name!! …brings to mind a time of ageless serenity and a life full of meaning) … now where was I?… ah yes, pondering, that we could be caught in a loop methinks, of imaginative thought and mayhap the deed will follow when we’re perfectly in sync with what’s needed? Pleased I am, that you enjoyed this one Sue, it had my mind twisting and turning as I wrote it… xx


  14. Lovey Pen.
    Imagination or dreams….It’s something to think about, Pen.

    Deb xx


  15. Another wonderful poem of yours that makes me stop and think.
    Big hugs to you dear Pen.
    Nikki x


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