

I was young,
just a little sprite,
I believed grownups
were wise and always right.
That they knew everything,
nothing was left unknown.
I’ve discovered the truth,
now I’m grown.

58 responses to “Wisdom…

  1. The more I learned,
    The more I forgot,
    I’m at the age,
    Where I forget a lot,
    I’m now down to zero and such,
    Perhaps tomorrow I’ll know,
    Ten times as much.

    Let me see…ten times zero…I don’t know…wish I had a calculator so I could start getting smarter.
    By the way, Pen, nice job again.


    • Hiya Dan, I enjoyed your rhymed comment so much, 😀 … and I cannot believe you need a calculator, let me see…. ten x zero = um.. ten zero’s? 😉 Heh!! … Glad you enjoyed this look back to my younger self. xx


  2. Love this Pen this is very true that is exactly what we thought as a child. But we know better now , learning something new on every passing day. It was good though to look up to our elders and hands on chin listen to their every word. Hugd Sheila and Wile-e 🙂 hope your day is going well. xx


    • Glad you enjoyed this, Sheila .. and yes, we do know better now… but I agree of course that we looked up to our elders and learned other things too… through the eyes of love, with our ears pricked to listen…hugs to you and Wile-e…xx


  3. Hallo Pen wir lernen immer jeden Tag der vergeht.Wünsche dir auch noch einen schönen Nachmittag. Liebe grüsse von mir Gislinde.


  4. Very nice Pen,
    And most of us get to realize that wisdom doesn’t necessary come with age but with the successful application of the lessons we learn in life.

    Much Love. 😉


  5. I like the shaping of your words Lady pen,
    and that Owl looks rather wicked perched
    on your Space like that, how do you mean
    what did I think of your poem? Well give
    me a chance girl 🙂 I was just about to add
    that your poetry gets better and better 🙂
    Well it does you know 🙂 Right I think that
    I will crack open a few bottles of the fizzy
    stuff next, and as there are no Gas Masks
    I think that you should hang on to those
    Corks as you never know when you might
    need those Lady Pen 🙂 😉 lol

    Have a wonderful Friday and a most
    deliciously orientated weekend also 🙂

    Androgoth XXx


    • Wicked he is.. I thought his eyes would stop blinking, Andro, when I um… ‘rescued’ him on Photobucket,,, but it worked so well.. Pity the shape couldn’t be more Owl like…but that was the best one I could come up with…Glad you like the whole thing.. and corks are being saved as we speak… 😉 … Hope today’s been a good one..and also hope your week-end goes with a bang.. (cork-less.. unless from a bottle I mean… 😉 ) xxPenxx


  6. Lovely Pen , sadly the little sprite had to grow up and know the truth
    Bet you were an inquisitive little sprite
    Ian aka Emu


  7. This wonderful little poem encapsulates a perfect truth, Pen 🙂


  8. Ha! I like it that you leave the truth unknown, you wise old owl! 🙂


  9. lol! I love the way you left this for the reader to come up with their own truth. 🙂


  10. Now there is a truth I wish I never knew…
    I am not grown up in my world so I am saved 😉

    I am hoping you have enjoyed a splendid Christmas with the one’s you love.
    And may the New Year be filled with Peace, Love and Happiness.
    Raven xox


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