Left With Right…

directions 3  I turned left,  walked on
then turned left again,
not sure of my bearings
whilst dodging fine rain.
I stopped at a corner,
looking left then right
as the rain became heavy,
almost blocking my sight.
Still I could see, I hadn’t reached
the right place. Turning back,
I was left with my steps
to retrace.

63 responses to “Left With Right…

  1. I like this one, Pen. Sounds like me in the car yesterday trying to follow the navigation device.


  2. If that were me; there may be trouble. (not that I don’t know left from right)
    love and light, Eddie


  3. Oooh! I know this feeling well 😉 Round and round in circles, chasing the wolfie tail lol back and forth…left and right…to and fro…getting nowhere very fast!!


  4. Hmm, sounds like me when it comes to direction, raining or not! Worse, when my wife says,”turn left,” I even end up turning right. I’m getting better but it’s a on going navigational learning experience. All the best to you & your family.


    • On going experience, Traveller, I think we all are finding that, direction wise, in life choices and finding our way forward. Many thanks for your lovely comments, and have a great day, wichever way you choose, right or left… 😀 xxx

      directions 3


  5. If we keep turning left at every corner – we’ll end up where we started 🙂


  6. Choices of left or right, what a dilemma,
    and what a fine poem my dear friend I like
    this one a lot 🙂

    Andro xxxx


    • thank you Andro, I enjoyed writing this one… right or left makes no difference to me, I always pick wrong methinks.. 😀 but the fun is in getting there…whichever. xxxPenxxx

      directions 3


  7. Frustrating when we get somewhere and find we are not where we want to be, then retrace our steps to start over again, I recall doing this at an airport for two hours once.


  8. Bearings–yeah, like finding your car in a very crowded parking lot. That’s what this reminded me of. Makes me wish I had a remote that would make the car yell “Over Here!”


  9. et le chemin fut trouvé malgré tout n’est-ce pas ?
    bisous toi


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