Meeting of Souls… Part 2


“Yes,”  Fyrespike repeated,  “it’s funny you should think that Lady Pen,  welcome to my idea of Hell, or my Cave to be exact”  At this I finally had the nerve to open my eyes and stare about the most untidy looking, acrid and foul smelling cave I have ever had the misfortune to visit… ‘Why on earth have you brought me here Fyrespike?” I queried in horror, “If you think for one minute I’m going to clean up this mess and … for goodness sake” I added, waving my hand over my poor nose “there’s surely no air freshener in any existence that’d mask this foul odour” … He coughed, not his usual smoky cough, but a red faced slightly embarrassed one and sheepishly offered the opinion “It’s not that bad is it?”  My eyes were streaming, I could feel my eye liner giving up the ghost and joining the tears sliding their way hastily down my cheek. My hair was being affected too, the straight bob I sported (with the help of hair strengtheners and gel) had become a curly festooned mop just sitting on my head, leaving me with the feeling I’d give Coco the Clown a run for his money!!   “Why are we here?” I finally thought to ask.   He waved his pipe in response, growled something unintelligible and suddenly the whole Cave was transformed into a clean, fresh sparkling and most of all empty but tidy place you’d be happy to show your own Mother on a surprise visit!! 


“Well why on earth hadn’t you thought to do that before ?”   I asked in amazement and he coughed again, before admitting “Since my Mate left, I’ve just let things slide a bit”  and I thought “A bit?”  though instantly felt  slightly ashamed, very sympathetic and totally in the wrong. “Why did she leave?” I couldn’t help asking, and he settled himself down on a pile of very large and extremely comfortable looking cushions which suddenly appeared out of  thin air and I glanced about for my seat, but nothing else materialised.  I coughed sharply, earning his sly gaze upon me,  although his eyes were lightly twinkling, then the little red pipe made smoky motions in the air and next to me there appeared a large Chaise Longue, bright red with dark oak legs.  “How lovely “ I thought, until I tried to sit  myself comfortably and only succeeded in falling off the end. Finally, under his very amused stare, I laid myself full length like a sacrificial offering and waited for him to continue his story about his mate…


“Her name is Kalaseru, and the most beautiful of Red Dragons,” he softly  answered, then paused a second or two to ponder, and finally continued “She left me as I wouldn’t finish my Quest to find the Well of Water Magic,” At this statement my ears almost twitched and my heart plummeted, as I suddenly realised what he wanted of me.  On one of our many adventures he’d touched upon this quest and how he needed a mortal to aid him. Apparently I was that very mortal and my time of helping him had come. “What does this Quest entail” I asked calmly, knowing I couldn’t and therefore wouldn’t let him down, not Fyrespike,  not my friend in need.  “Go on” I encouraged him, while twisting round on my stomach, finding this was a slightly more comfortable but alas a less dignified position on the chaise longue,  and he smiled in response to my tone, continuing,  “I need your help Lady Pen, to call a Meeting of Souls, and thus enable the Well of Water Magic to come into existence, then all I need to do is drink from the Well, and my magic will henceforth include the rule over Water, and my mate Kalaseru, can combine her magic lore with mine and we shall be complete.” At my raised questioning eyebrow, he sighed heavily and answered “By which I mean, we can mate and produce offspring”  Of course my heart melted and straight away before I could stop myself I’d asked the question “What do I need to do?”

He laughed. Really, and truly belly laughed and then coughed so deeply that I thought the Chaise Longue was an danger of combusting into fire-filled life and me with it, so I jumped up hastily and queried after his health!  “No, honestly I’m  fine, Lady Pen, just feeling happy and ready to start.”   With this comment his pipe was again in use, swirling about as if it had a smoky life of it’s own, by drawing so many pictures in the air that my human eyes couldn’t keep up.  I felt so dizzy that I failed to notice we’d been picked up and gently deposited at an Oasis in a Desert. Which one, dear reader?  Who knows, it may not even be of this Earth, and I was disinclined to ask as my mind was on the task before me. “What do I do?” I repeated slightly less calmly than before. “Well, first of all just take a deep calming breath, and secondly put your right hand Index Finger here…”  I looked to see where his pipe was pointing and there was, of all things, a key hole shape in the base of the nearest Palm Tree, and I hesitated a second, glanced at his Dragon face, and thought “What the heck?” and offered my Index Finger to the said hole… What happened next? Why the Meeting of Souls of course,  which was his soul and mine joining together with a flash of colours so bright my eyes hurt like ….um..Hell.  Suddenly with a clamouring sound, the colours abruptly faded and there before us appeared a magnificent Well,  decorated with so many Runes that not a single stone was to be seen, just the integrated scripts written by long gone souls through aeons of magical and mystical learning.  I caught my breath at the beauty of it, and Fyrespike cast his head back and roared as I’d never heard before. He was on the threshold of his next magic Level, and his mate would be his for the rest of their long-lived lives.  He shuffled forward, bent his head and partook of what looked like sweet, tasting ambrosial water. But his face twisted in agony, and before I could move aside he’d turned and spat it out drenching me,  “What on Earth”  I spluttered, but thankfully he laughed, and tried again to drink the water. This time able to swallow the foul tasting stuff.  He trumpeted a bugling, musical sound, flew straight into the air and revolved around for about two long seeming lifetime minutes.  At last the sound stopped and all was quiet again. He landed next to me and held out a claw, ever so lightly touching my cheek, whilst intoning  “I am Fyrespike, forever thy friend, whenever thou hast need of me, I will attend… Thus speaks Fyrespike, Green Dragon, Master of Air, Earth and now Water…”


And that my friends is how I spent my time at The Meeting of Souls…. Helping Fyrespike to attain his next level of Magic and regain his mate for life…I hope you enjoyed the story… I will be continuing the saga, telling how I meet with Kalaseru….The most challenging of female Red Dragons…

LadyP © 2011

4 responses to “Meeting of Souls… Part 2

  1. Pingback: Kalaseru…. | Poems 'n Stuff

  2. Enjoy is but a drop in the bucket my friend…you are a gifted story teller! I see now how Kalaseru falls into the next chapter. And you call these “Coffee Break Stories” some coffee break you have lol. I am honored to know you through the “WWW Wonderful World of Words”


    • Same here Raven, honoured to know you too., I do so love the WW, 😀 … and I’m so pleased that you’ve discovered the full story to date. smiles to you my lovely friend. xx


  3. O you are such a hopeless hapless ROMANTIC, Lady Penxxx
    Thank you, that just lifted my spirits so much at the right time.
    Who else would put their finger in a hole to help a dragon get a mate.
    Oh and btw, yes, I do belive I follow your thoughts about certain word plays. Yes, it’s intentional. I’m no Willy Shakeyspeares but–I do sooooo love his wordcraft and so much of it employs — such ‘play’ — Fore! on the green and off again!
    Seriously–ty. Goddamn it’s nice to yap somewhere and not worry about accidently smashing toes. Even Lily has a commie right foot that often wants to go to the left, but Sarge doesn’t hold it against her.
    Hope YOU are well.


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