

She lay there in the darkness breathing shallow,
the end was near, she knew it was so,
Death sat beside her, a threatening figure,
He was waiting patiently for her soul to let go.


How she wished she had lived to her utmost,
her dream of travelling the world to see
everything God had Created on this planet,
sadly, for her, it was destined never to be


Her mind wandered back through her life span,
her lips formed a smile now and again
as she thought of her love, and their laughter
of their children, who would still remain


Panic took her as she felt the heat building
deep inside her, the flames grew and grew
‘til she exploded in a sheet of pure brilliance,
Out of the ashes, the Phoenix rose, and majestically flew


Yes, she’d passed on Life’s baton to another,
To join the universe, live totally free,
whilst her soul turned to the waiting dark figure,
saying, ‘Lead the way, what will be, will be!’

LadyP © 2010

14 responses to “Death….Rebirth…

  1. I refuse to let someone else lead the way… I will settle for “What will be, will be”…cesera, sera…


  2. Wow Pen Magical words Powerful Stuff. Sheilax


  3. “Que sera sera” is Fatalism. Not only is one who adopts that philosophy refusing to let someone else lead the way…they are refusing to take responsibility for setting their own course. That is so sad.


  4. Ooo Pen this is a beautiful poem! I for one do agree that whatever will be , will be..but not in a negative way. We do what we can, and then we leave it up to God or the Universe to take it from our hands and transform it to what we need..:)


  5. A beautiful and quite poignant piece! love your style and this choice of subjects resonates in my heart. I am most happy you wrote about a lioness and cub… It would have taken longer to find your pages yet I would have. Thank you for sharing your gifts! 🙂


    • Apologies for the late response, … This poem came about when I wanted to express my feelings after my Mother passed on, ’tis one which resonates with me too. Many thanks for your wonderful response… xxx


  6. Splendid poem.I think about death all the time, want to know what it’s like. I don’t want to come back again, no rebirth for me please, I pray all the time. I’m done.


    • My mind changes with every passing year, Arjun, I hope there’s something after we die, some higher plane maybe? … or do we turn back to space dust for eternity, forever travelling through the star flung Universe … whatever is waiting for us, there’s no changing that we come into this World alone, and we leave the same way… xx


      • To think what’s next is to give up present.
        Earth is one stupid place to be. To come back is utter boring. A higher plane is nothing but lust for life according to me.
        I want no trace of me. Here or there, nowhere should me be found.
        I love what my senses do to me. Splendid but only cause I’m alive. Offer me death and with death nothing…zero…and I’ll take it any day!


        • ’tis another thought too, Arjun, so many search for answers, and as you say ignore the here and now… I suppose that’s being human, in that we can chose what to believe and how to live for the moment…You have a zest for life that is admirabble and to be envied … xx


  7. Ahhhh Death, The TICKET to the next adventure!
    Alone? How can anyone be ALONE with alll that glorious Star Dust Out There?
    The divine is everywhere.


☞ ...your thoughts in response are very welcome .....☋