
nightmaresThis be a corridor
leading who knowest where. 
Shouldst ye enter? Pay heed and beware…
Note dire warnings of a dark soul lost, by ignoring
true danger, he doth pay a high cost. Laying in wait,
capturing souls he doth plan,
‘twixt darkness and light
be a bogeyman…
Yes, well,  what more can I say?
I knew we should’ve turned left at the junction…x

68 responses to “Corridor…

  1. Great little poem Pen… We create our own Bogeymen within the corridors of mind… We can choose which passage we walk down, the light or the dark…
    I wonder why we always have to have a bogeyman lurking in the dark… Why is it we cannot have an Angel waiting in the Light! LOL! 🙂 We are our own worst Bogeyman lol …
    I scare myself more often than not PEN in my own dark corridor!.. 🙂 xxx
    I am learning though.. to place only Light in there.. 😀 xxx Hehe…. we are crazy! xxx
    Love for this thought provoking post.. 🙂


    • An Angel is defiitely a better idea Sue, but as you say, we seem to scare ourselves by choice… I have a dark place I seem to find sometimes in my dreams, a loft of attic where so many souls are gathered, and this for some reason scares me … Ah well, one mabe I wil understand it… And like you, place a light there… Carzy ? Us? Never… 🙂 Love and Light to you. xxx



  2. Are those cobwebs or the facets of a jewel? I like this one, Pen!


    • They can be anything you want them to be, Monica, I stand back after posting and wait the response. (’tis my get out of jail free card!! 😎 ) Glad you enjoyed my fantasy on the bogeyman. xx



  3. I just got a shiver down my spine Pen, I like to think it is a Good thing that lays in wait for me.
    Dreams are strange mine are so busy ..
    Nice one Pen Hugs Sheila xx


    • I got shivers too, Sheila, and I wrote it. 😉 .. Best thing to do methinks, conjour a good spirit waiting at the end… Good to see you, and Li’l lucy of course… hugs to you both… xPenx



  4. You should re-add this
    one at Halloween it’s brilliant 🙂

    Have a cosy night in with some
    chocolates and a glass or three
    of wine 🙂 Well I only said 😉

    Andro xxxx


    • IT does seem perfect for Halloween eh? Andro… I seem to enjoy writing the darker poems more somehow… 😉 Wine? Oh yesss, Opened a Dark Red last night… hic!! Fancy a glass? 😀 xxPenx



      • Yes I will be greedy and have two
        glasses if you don’t mind my cheek 😉

        Have a lovely Monday ma Lady 🙂

        Andro xxxx


        • OOOOooops Andro, almost too late there, I thought I’d have a glass or three whilst answering comments.. (mayhap that’s why my typings so bad ^^’ )… *cough* but you’re very welcome to a glass or two from a new bottle I just happen to have handy 😀 ….xxx.


          • Lovely I will uncork that straight away, and offer you something sweet, hey a cream egg that I have stashed away, not what you were thinking 😉 lol

            Sorry for the lol there I couldn’t resist, rather like the glass of wine that you are offering me 😉 Mmmm

            Andro xxxx


  5. todadwithlove

    I might go down that corridor, and make love — I mean Peace — with the bogeyman. 🙂
    PS: sorry for being late, Pen, been in hibernation.


    • No apologies necessary, and I nearly didn’t find you here Vera, so my apologies for the late response… and the bogeyman nearly got you… mind you …mayhap he needs a bit of love and tender care eh? 😀 xxxx



  6. The corridors of our mind can lead to many endings
    The corridor of fear or the corridor of happiness.
    I think we all have various corridors but nighttime gives one no choice.


  7. Not going down that corridor. Nope. No way. No likey. MIght roll a biscuit or two down it, but not that curious.


  8. au bout du couloir nous ne savons ce qu’il y a vraiment…
    c’est un risque à prendre tout compte fait !
    superbe que ton écriture quand même je dois bien te le dire !
    bisous penny


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