Time and Again…


  yourself questions,
then answer them true
as you wonder what time 
has in store for you?                  
Does time really matter                   
in the grand scheme of things           
as days flit by on gossamer wings?
Try as you might,                              
time ignores your will         
evading your grasp,     
LadyP ©2014

64 responses to “Time and Again…

  1. AWW THERE you are keep losing this page for a strange reason.
    Yes it is good we don’t know what’s in store..don’t think I could cope with that.
    Three disappointments so far this year, not too dramatic. Must be a way round it I say ..
    Lovely to see you here again and I hope all is well.
    Simply can’t get into the swing of blogging again, not posted for awhile .
    Take care see you soon. Hugs Sheila xx


    • ((hugs)) to you and l’il Lucy too Sheila, and I do hope the disappointments are at an end. I know the feeling about blogging, ‘cos you get to a time when the energy/spirits levels are low and nothing comes to mind to blog about. I hope 2014 gives you an uplift my friend. take care and hugs aplenty. xxPenxx



  2. Pen, I haven’t seen you for the longest time! And suddenly you came visiting yesterday and I was so happy to scurry over and see what you’re thinking and feeling. Enjoyed reading your poem about Time. It certainly never stands still and isn’t always predictable either.


    • It was lovely to visit and catch up Kathy, and I’m so glad you enjoyed the poem. Time certainly keeps us guessing methinks, and mayhap that’s a good thing. hugs aplenty and I hope 2014 is a good vintage for you. xxx



  3. elusive time, rushing ahead then lagging behind! it never seems to keep up!
    this is a great treat! seeing your wonderful work; love Eddie


  4. So good to have you by my side again, ldy Pen , precious friend … woofs, purrrs,and whistles … thank you, cat.


  5. Wow what a nice posting Lady Pen
    and welcome back, we miss you around
    here you know 😦 I hope that you will
    be adding some more poems soon my
    dear friend 🙂

    Andro xxxx


    • HI there Oh Dark One, I’m glad you enjoyed my musings about Time Itself. It’s so good to be back but yikes, I’ll have to compose more poems? Okey Dokey, I’m sure I can oblige. 🙂 xxxx



      • You have poems that you haven’t even started on yet but I know that when your mind juices start flowing that we will be in for lots of treats 🙂

        Wow I can’t wait 😉

        Have a lovely rest of Wednesday Lady Pen 🙂

        Andro xxxx


  6. Love that beautiful spinning jewel, clocking our life’s rhythms.


  7. Time does pass by more quickly than we can keep apace, doesn’t it? When we try to hold it in our hands we realize it is like quicksilver and it slips by even more quickly.


    • I’ve just passed what seems like enjoyable minutes, (but looking at the clock ’tis hours) answering comments Steve. I wonder, do we ever get a chance to wind it back? Next life maybe? Who knows ’til our personal bell tolls. xx



  8. LadyBlueRose's Thoughts Into Words

    I have missed your thoughts LadyPen…
    flow of sensibility within each word you pen….


  9. Time – a really long distance runner 🙂


☞ ...your thoughts in response are very welcome .....☋