Time and Again…


  yourself questions,
then answer them true
as you wonder what time 
has in store for you?                  
Does time really matter                   
in the grand scheme of things           
as days flit by on gossamer wings?
Try as you might,                              
time ignores your will         
evading your grasp,     
LadyP ©2014

64 responses to “Time and Again…

  1. We will never master time, Pen, ever. It will always be one step ahead of us! I mean to say, it’s now the eleventh of January 2014, and I can remember a day in March 1974 like it was yesterday! Time does fly.
    To answer your first question, I would say time doesn’t matter, but what we do with it does, and we should spend a lot of time in happy, creative and fun ways.
    Thought provoking poem once again, m’lady, and Happy New Year to you!


    • I fear thou hast answered rightly Sir Aquatom, but then, how couldst we live knowing what was to come and when. Time may be the master of us all, but as you so rightly say, we can chose how we fill in the gaps. New years come and go, it’s up to us how we use them. As always, many thanks for your indepth reply, kind Sir, ’tis good to be back amongst friends such as thee. xx



  2. Boy. You nailed me. I resemble that. Nice job. Good to enjoy your poem again.


  3. True true. And I have finally learned to deal with it. xoxox


  4. Liebe Pen danke dir für deinen Besuch schön das du wieder da bist,die Zeit sie stiehlt unser Leben,und man kann nichts machen,Zeit ist entlos.Wünsche dir auch noch ein gutes Jahr 2014 und ein schönes Wochenende.Gruß und Freundschaft.Gislinde


  5. Happy New Year, Lady P! Nice to see you here, again. 🙂 As Rod Stewart recently wrote: “Time waits for no one”. At best, we nay be able to keep it at bay. Cheers!


    • Many thanks for the video Debbie, loved hearing Rod’s voice. You’re so right too, keeping it at bay seems our only option, keep time, pass the time, race time, but always time holds the keys to our future. Belated Happy New Year wishes to you. xxx



  6. Good to see you blogging again Pen! 🙂

    Happy New Year and all the best for 2014! 🙂

    Tempus fugits as it may and all our dreams do fade away.

    And with them our immortality…

    Love and hugs!



    • The same wish to you too, Sir Prenin, I hope 2014 is a great year for you. I chose to be immortal, ’til t’end of course 😉 . We come into this this life with one certainty, that we will leave it, but mayhap there’s another door we leave by. luv ‘n’ hugs xPenx



  7. Lady Pen! Coffee? Tea? Something stronger? Some Chopin vodka perhaps? Hmm? Welcome back.
    Time? Time is pain in the neck. I perfer to let it do its thing while I do mine. I so hope you’ve been very busy in ways you find most most excellent to yourself.
    @Debbie–gorgeous images in video! I’m not exactly in step with the song lyrics though. Sweet share anyway.
    As a return share gift I offer Joy –and one very HOT guy smile.


    • Joy and hot guy smile accepted Eva, and a cuppa with a spot of Brandy perhaps? Hic!! Good to be back, and also great to catch up with you, and Sarge of course, I’m calling ’round tomorrow with a picnic lunch, hope he’s home!! 🙂 Hugs aplenty and see ya soon xPenx



      • Cuppa & Brandy coming right up.
        I do believe Sarge is the sort who is always up for a picnic. 🙂 Catch up when you can, Pen. Just nice knowning you’re “around” again.
        Btw, have you seen Kate’s Moss? Some Stones are missing it. Hmm.


  8. Hi There Lady P Its good to see u again Its been ages,
    Wish u also a wonderful year and lots of inspiration to write lovely poems


  9. Without time, there is nothing. But it often seems our enemy, going by much too fast.


  10. Time is teaching me a lesson it seems Pen, as I just wrote quite a profound statement only to accidentally press the clear key and lost the lot.. haha…. I said something along the lines that Time is but an illusion and we have only our Now time.. and I am pleased your time has allowed you to be here in the Now again…

    Enjoy all your Now moments Pen, and good to see you back… Love and Blessings… xxx Sue


    • I hate when that happens Sue, you put so much into the instinctive response, it takes a while to get that feeling again after the loss. Now is the ‘ in ‘ word, from now on. 🙂 Good to see you too Sue, Hope 2014 gives you all you could wish. Love and light xxx Pen xxx



  11. If we were not obliged to measure time, then time would not exist !!! There would only be the very moment we are passing through. Sue eludes to this in her comment.
    Nice poem Pen, it has a strange hypnotic effect 😉


  12. Ah..love seeing your words so artfully placed 🙂
    There is no time…not as how we understand it anyway. It’s sort of hard to wrap one’s mind around it…but past, present and future…only created to allow us to make sense of it.
    I know of those who see “time” as running parallel…meaning they don’t see it as past lives or future…it’s like a long, long corridor of doors and each door opens up into one particular life and each runs parallel.
    Another great description is that our life streams are like a rectangular shaped cake and each life is a slice of that cake…and expand it out and out and more..and it has been described as a giant tapestry…all our lives, each on of us as threads running in that tapestry forming a glorious picture..not one single thread is unimportant in that description 🙂


    • I have a picture in my mind now Shree, of a long corridor of time, stretched out endlessly, and we open one and pass through, to the next. Your words open many trains of thoughts my friend. From this thread to you. have a good day and may time pass well for you. xxx



  13. BEAUTIFUL…..Very beautiful. Welcome again 🙂


  14. Love the poem, Pen. And the title. It made me think long and hard. I do ask questions, and try to answer them true. But too often I find myself, if not living in the future, then living in the past. The present becomes like a receptacle to store a reminiscence or an anticipation, when we should be holding it in our hands, and tasting it our mouths. Two days ago I lost a 30 yo colleague who collapsed without warning on the pavement walking his dog. It really gave me pause.


    • Always a shock Vera, to lose someone when least expected. Makes Time all that more precious, as a many faceted jewel sparkling brightly , showing it’s life force for all to see and wonder at. Your in depth reply compliments me greatly my friend, my thanks. xxx



  15. Time slips through our hands like quick sand!


  16. Very apt poem, beautifully written and presented with graphic flare. I first saw an arrow – pointing ahead or back> Then I saw an angel fish swimming.
    So good to be reading and looking at your poetry again.


    • I love your aspect on the shape Rod, sometimes by pure accident I find something that matches my words. but at others I just want to share words in a shapely form. Glad you enjoy what’s on offer my friend, and many thanks for continuing to do so. xxx



  17. hello miss Pen
    par ma part j’trouve et pense que le temps est d’une trop grande vitesse pour qu’on puisse l’apprécier à sa juste valeur mais là le temps m’a laissé ce moment, agréable” de pouvoir te lire dans ton interrogation et j’ai apprécié ce partage de toi miss Pen
    bisous et Belle Année for you


    • Un grand merci pour la lecture de mes réflexions sur le temps Paul, nous avons tous des idées sur la façon dont nous passons notre temps, certains en regardant sur ​​elle comme l’argent, pour être dépensé à bon escient. ’tis un quandry, il me semble, le temps, peut-être bien qu’il s’arrête lorsque nous reprenons notre souffle? Qui sait, pendant combien de temps peut-on mesurer? Il a ses propres règles, je pense, à l’exception d’une montre ou d’une horloge. Bisous à toi mon ami. Pen xx.



  18. Well Pen I didn’t know what time had in store for me last Monday when Zak’s future was being planned, but time, like life has a habit of coming up and biting you in the bum when you least expect it.


  19. Great to see you again! Hmm…time…Time is an illusion caused by the passage of history! History is an illusion caused by the passage of time! Timeless Wolfie hugs 🙂 x


    • Ah Wolfie, ’tis a great honour to have you pass my way, I shall call ‘time’ and we shall race hither and thither, across the stratosphere, thumbing our noses at the great man himself (Time I mean, not God, or whomsoever one believes runs this place!! Mind you, If He’s running the show mayhap he can stop time for us? ) Now there’s a plan eh? ((thinks!! mayhap I should cut down on the ‘sauce’? )) 🙂 Hugs aplenty my furry friend. xxxx



  20. Some days I’m able to convince myself that time is arbitrary and as such, I’m not required to obey its rules. Unfortunately, my mind wants to be firmly rooted in reality, and so, time comes back, and flies as usual. Good to see you back, Lady Pen. 🙂


    • Good to see you Robin, there are so many paraphrases about that despicable character, time flies, time stands still, time in abundance, wasting time, a stitch in time, time heals all wounds. blimey, I could go on forever, BUT I won’t 🙂 and I am so glad to back this present time. hugs aplenty to you and yours. xxx



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