Category Archives: Whimsical

Seven Things (Dwarfs?)


Snow White plus seven 
I can be Grumpy
when I’m Sleepy,
or Happy while I’m awake.
I have many Bashful moments
with Dopey decisions I make.
When Sneezy fits take over
I sip Docs ‘cure for all’
Now, excuse me for
a moment
Snow White’s
due to call.

I checked the spelling – Dwarves – Dwarf wise,  ‘cos I didn’t want to get it wrong, but it appears it’s more common for the plural of Dwarf to add an ’s’ not ‘ves’ . Phew!!  You learn something new every day.   
Have a great week-end   xxx 🙂 

Time and Again…


  yourself questions,
then answer them true
as you wonder what time 
has in store for you?                  
Does time really matter                   
in the grand scheme of things           
as days flit by on gossamer wings?
Try as you might,                              
time ignores your will         
evading your grasp,     
LadyP ©2014

Gas Man Cometh…

 British Gas Waiting seems an art form.
Do you just sit and stare?
or perhaps you keep busy,
‘til whoever’s suddenly there.
Do you drum your
fingers loudly,
do you settle
and read
a book?
or maybe pace, turn and turn about
never giving the clock a second look.
All at once the waiting’s over,
they arrive and all is well,
forgotten is the time wasted
you’re off…,
at the sound of the bell.

14.40pm/ Not too bad this time, the Gas Man has just rung to say he’s ten minutes away… so all I’m doing is coughing my time away… I wonder?. should I warn him I’m probably contagious?… Nah!!! 😉  xx

The Proverbial…

 SpiralswithinSpirals  If you keep
your options open,
whilst taking all things into account
by laying your cards on the table
will all opposition then surmount?
Perhaps you suffer fools gladly,
as a little knowledge is a dangerous thing
but then fortune ever favours the brave,
and first impressions are the most lasting…

Metal Bin…

 Pedal Bin
  bin sits,
’til I stand on it’s toe,
it opens it’s mouth
as if saying hello,
I throw in a tissue
or cotton wool pad,
I wonder,  does it feel,
does it ever get mad?
I now need to empty
it’s full belly you see,
so I don’t want it
it could
eat me.


I have this… mad (?) idea, that inanimate objects can have feelings,  so I usually name them, sounds strange I know, and ‘tis ever so sad when one wears out and needs to be replaced… many tears are shed I can tell you… x