
 photo f141be92-15c7-4b6b-b3cb-5603081733f1.jpg
A blackboard ‘n chalk,
just what I need,
plus a handy duster,
to remove the deed
of words inappropriate,
words spoken in haste,
an ‘eraser’
for words
said with

57 responses to “Erasing…

  1. A blackboard for life would come in very handy.


  2. A blackbord for life would come in very handy just what I need an erased.
    I has more to thinking tonight…dear xpenx


  3. This is one of my biggest faults Pen, speaking before I think!


  4. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have do-overs? Maybe 9 like a cat’s lives. It seems that as we get older, the do-over seems even more desirable as we remember things from our past that could have been done or said much differently. Of course, all those things made us who we are and maybe, if we are comfortable with our present self, they weren’t so bad after all.


    • I know Steve, when we think about do overs, second, third, fourth chances to put things right, it gets complicated,… but a magic eraser would be handy, just for unfortunate words that slipped out, and regretted instantly. A sort of instant fix-it.. 🙂 xxx

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  5. A blackboard would be a great asset in life if we could erase some of the past, unfortunately I would be forever replacing the duster Pen.


  6. You have led me before to thoughts about the power of words. It is something I have not taken lightly. I have altered many things to be positive and words are a large part of this change provoked by thoughts such as yours about words. Inspiring!


    • Thoughts are your own, Stuart, but when uttered aloud, they’re shared and can never be revoked. I still smart over some things said to me, just a few words, yet they live on in my mind. Oh for that eraser…Many thanks for your response, ’twas appreciated so much. … xxx

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  7. A gem this one, I love it 🙂
    Hey you are on a roll since
    your return and I will need
    to get my skates on to be
    in your league of writing 🙂

    You are such a versatile and
    wonderful writer my dear friend,
    and if I were one to dish out
    awards then you would have
    a fine collection, even more
    than you already have 🙂

    Here have some of my toffees 😉

    Andro xxxx


☞ ...your thoughts in response are very welcome .....☋