Green Vase….

There’s a green vase
which stands
proud on the
bathroom shelf.
Quite lonely
it seems
by itself.
With long
thin neck
down to a
bulbous base.
where sometimes
when glancing at it, I
can make out a little face.
Not spooky or at all frightening,
just cheering and it makes me grin
that green vase in my bathroom
which I bought to fit in.
LadyP © 2011

60 responses to “Green Vase….

  1. The green color vase! it is lively color that make you more bright sorts?
    I have has a bad time with my friends pats in here after 13 years.
    BUT I ‘m getting back to normal from yesterday.
    I enjoy read your more bight side poem ” Not your spooky ones LOL!
    Hope you have a good day xPenx.
    Big Hugs,


    • Definitely brightens up me and my bathroom Michiko San, and glad you enjoyed it. I can’t promise that my spooky ones won’t re-appear now and again, ‘cos it depends what springs to my strange and convoluted mind.
      Big hugs to you too my lovely friend, and hope your days a good one too. xx


  2. Lovely poem what a lovely image flashes through my mind LOL I also watched DP last night I thought of you did you watch it again I wonder. Take care Pen Hugs Sheila and W ile-e 🙂 xx


    • thank you Sheila,. glad you enjoyed the poem, and the images it brought to you. I didn’t watch last nights Pirates film, I have it on DVD and it’s nearly worn out by now, along with the other two of the series so far. Hugs to you and Wile-e xx


  3. Hi Pen! 🙂

    Yes, Matt Smith is manic, but fun to watch and his strays are great as a married couple! 🙂

    I love the way it works on two levels: Adult and child in careful balance!

    When the Doctor introduces the TARDIS Matric as a woman AND the TARDIS and Amy said: “Did you wish really, really hard?” I had a good chuckle! 🙂

    Given the Old Doctor Who series were on a seriously small budget, the fact they are spending more of it on effects etc. makes the series look a lot better and attractive to the adult market! 🙂

    Yes, life is good and I’m happy, but I forgot to pick up the darned tickets, so it’ll be tomorrow before I can go get them – the kids are out and our local streets are a seriously dangerous place for adults these days…

    God Bless!



    • thanks for dropping by Sir Prenin, and I find myself turning back into a small child when DR Who starts, nothing but nothing would stop me watching it, unless ’twas a visit from Johnny Depp of course. 🙂 Hugs to you my friend. xx


  4. very nice
    I think I have seen that face on an old jar in the woods. 🙂


  5. Yes what a wickedly fine Poem
    and also for the Artistry that is
    your vase… Excellent

    Androgoth XXx


  6. lovely words and, yes, especially love the shape. i mean the shape of the words ,always a pleasure to read you Pen.


  7. Ah, its been a while since I’ve read anyone’s posts on WP (I myself have been MIA from posting) but it feels good to read your poems once again Pen! This made me laugh – very cute 🙂


  8. A great poem on a simple vase , yet a vase that means something to you and has a special effect on you , I think by your words that there may be a hint of a cheery face there if you look hard , well done in the layout of the poem , original and striking
    Cheers Princess


    • Glad you enjoyed my sharing my feelings for my Green vase, Ian,
      it’s a shape which appeals and a colour which fit just right, and the face is not scary in the darkness of night, it smiles and lifts the darkest of days, imagination? maybe, just me and my fey ways. xx


  9. Charming charming…I do love a green vase…and I have one in my bathroom too! On the floor as it is a large vase. 🙂
    Hope you are ready for a lovely weekend dear Lady Pen.


    • OOoo, I love large vases too, the larger the better sometimes, Raven, I’m sitting here looking out a glorious sunshine, and the first thought is “water the garden” … trouble is I used to have a helper, who barked and said don’t do that, play with me… so I stop and cry for a while. ‘cos I can’t anymore. So I’ll sit here and cry whilst typing… so, so silly. xx


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