
 Butterfly-1  Walking down the street one day,
so fast,  could speed spirit me away
from troubled thoughts left far behind?
tho’ some are constant in your mind,
no way to outrun or to flee 
they’re in your head,
Suddenly a voice said “Hey hello”
I turned and instantly wanted to go
’twas a distant friend not seen for a while.
Instead I stopped and gave a smile
saying “How are you, how’ve you been?”
then he told me all that’d happened to him.
As he talked, listing his troubles and woes
I felt shame wash from my head to my toes
so much pain,… yet he sought no pity,
his words were succinct, even witty.
As he said “Goodbye, thanks for
being a good friend”
I promised myself
self pity, self absorption
would end…
LadyP© 2013 


42 responses to “Self-pity…

  1. Very true words, Lady Pen. We sometimes get so wrapped up in our own issues we make so much out of them, at the expense of everything and everyone else. Just getting on with things is the easiest option to take, which usually diminishes whatever is troubling us anyway – where dwelling on them makes them far worse.
    That urge to run away when spotted by an old friend is an odd one, Pen. I feel that too. Very strange.
    Good poem once again! Have a good Saturday!


    • very strange indeed, Sir Aquatom, and I still have no idea why I felt that way, ‘cos this scenario actually happened…(which I find usually helps when finding the words for the poem, mind you not always. ‘cos that’d be daft and scary depending on the subject in question, erm… tying myself in knots here.. 😉 )…… Your comment is very insightful, ’tis true, too much introspection is bad for one methinks… but I still find myself worrying at problems like a dog with a bone, and unlike said bone, the worry/problem doesn’t decrease… As you say, action is the answer… I shall apply myself forthwith, …. Well,… in a bit….. Hope you have a fantastic weekend, ’tis the Grand National this Afters, but I never bet, just pick a name and play that way, ’tis a good way to save money 🙂 .. xPenx



  2. It’s’s so easy to forget our blessings and it’s so easy to get pulled into this dark hole that seems so comforting at times. I still do have my pity parties …for me at times it helps because it allows me to cry..but it does get draining. So I’m glad that I get out of it once I’m done 🙂 *hugs*


    • hi there Shree, and you’re so right there my friend, once ‘in’ it’s difficult to pull yourself ‘out’ of the deep introspection, … I had a crying jag yesterday, something awful happened and it was simply a case of applying myself to finding the answer. Crying does help get rid of the tension inside but like you say ’tis so, so wearing, and you’re still left with the root problem …((hugs)) to you, and I hope you’re having a good, problem free weekend 🙂 … xPenx


      • Aww Pen…I’m so sorry to hear that you had something awful happen 😦
        I’m glad though that you could release some of the tension with a good cry 🙂 *big hugs* (you know you’re the only blogging friend that I feel I can freely hug 🙂 )
        It’s always hard to handle the root of any problem because…like for me, it’s because I know I have “to go there”..where the fear lurks…and the hurts and that the problem is usually something inside that I need to face. I wish you complete and utter positive light and love for support 🙂
        My weekend is half over..hehe kinda. It’s was a good day today and tomorrow will be a good day too! 🙂 Thank you for your wishes!


        • Strewth Shree, I’m crying again, not ‘cos I’m sad, just in response to your comment, I hope the fear fades for you, to something you can easily manage… So much in this life hides inside, just waiting to catch us out and bring up memories/pain/problems again… warmest of hugs…always my friend.. xx


          • Pen! Oh seems I’m quite good at making people cry ! D’oh! Please don’t feel sad for me..I’ll be fine 🙂 It’s progressive work to work on our fears..and it’s not so’s something I think we all go through, you know 🙂
            *gives you a tissue to blow your nose and wipe your eyes* (not necessarily in that order). *hugs* ALL will be well because inside each of us is a Divine spark that is waiting to be reclaimed 🙂


  3. I try to avoid self pity (I’ve been through a lot as you probably know, but that’s no excuse) and I try to focus on the positive.

    I may be sick with fear e very time I walk out of my front door, but still I walk through it! 🙂

    I guess it’s a case of not giving in to the negative that makes life better! 🙂

    Love and hugs!



    • ’tis a credit to you Sir Prenin, that shines through your blogs, all that you’ve been through, and still I don’t sense any self pity, just a determination to get through day by day, whatever comes, you face it, head on… luv ‘n’ hugs to you my stalwart friend… xPenx


  4. Sound psychology and blessed moral behavior 🙂


    • My thanks Alexander, for the accolade, but methinks I was carried along by social manners rather than anything blessed,… ’tis odd how instinct helps with certain situations, when at other times it lets you down… I will strive to be a more sympathetic human being, and less selfish… xxx



  5. Self pity is no stranger to any of us, how else would we recognise it … self discipline is no stranger to us either, how else would we recognise that … that’s where compassion comes in … wish more people would cultivate that … rather than bitterness. I’m still learning about compassion … from you, my lovely friend … you are always in my thoughts … woofs and purrs, cat.


    • My sincere thanks, Cat, for your lovely compliment, .. I try, strive, seek to be more humane, nope wrong word, compassionate (as you say), is the right word …and at times I fail, but it’s the trying that matters… purrs , hugs and faintest of woofs my lovely friend. xPenx


  6. This is really good xxxxxxxx


  7. that elusive search for balance – the focus on others vs. on self — the teetertotter of friendship – I’m falling off, Pen!


  8. I has in my head for two years one methinks worry about problems with surfacing positive I shall apply myself for support soon
    Have a nice day ! xPenx


    • always a pleasure to see you Michiko San, and yes, problems surface and we let them take over our lives… A different outlook sometimes helps my friend. hugs to you and yours my friend. xPenx


  9. This is good Pen I hope your thought’s and heart is healed , I try not analize myself too much or other people I don’t understand.
    Hope you are enjoying a peaceful Sunday.
    Hugs Sheila xx


  10. Katie Isabella

    We none of us are strangers to the pity party. I have one every now and again. Matter of fact, I narrowly avoided one earlier today. I try to focus forward and after acknowledging where I wish I had done differently, I try hard to move on. XXXOOO


  11. We all have self pity. But usually someone else is worse off than we ever thought we are/were.


    • too true, Yvonne, there is always others worse off. we just have to remind ourselves of the fact now and again. Lovely to have you visit, and many thanks for your comment.. xx


  12. Oh Pen how true your words ring for me especially as of late. I have founs myself walking down self-pity avenue for a long while now and need to snap out! I know ‘it’s easier said than done’ is a pathetic excuse but it’s so true… You’re right though Oh wise friend. There are far more troubled individuals out there who have far deeper hardships and struggles than I do and I need to keep being thankful for all that I have been blessed with. I have lived a very privileged life indeed. Thanks for the reminder again friend 🙂


    • We’re all in need of reminding now and again Andini, I’m as guilty as anyone else with my outlook sometimes. ‘Tis hard this life of ours, but we cannot drown in self pity or else we miss so much… Hugs to you lovely friend and chin up… We’ll both put our best foot forward from now on… xPenx


  13. So true, Pen. But we all see things as relative, I suppose. Lovely poem.


  14. So true Pen, we have all been there at some point in our lives… And I am sure too we all realise that there is always some one alot worse off than ourselves.. which make our problems seen nothing…
    But at the same time we need to recognise that each problem is prevalent to the individual who is experiencing them…
    Listening is part of my job, and what to us can seem nothing to someone else its a major trauma…
    Sending you a Big Hug Love Sue xox


    • many thanks Sue, it amazes me sometimes how so many have to cope with such large burdens, I feel I would falter at the first fence… In this mans case he had lost his wife, and so much more besides… and all I could do was listen and try to help that way… Warm hugs back atcha my friend… I admire you immensely for the help you give… xPenx


  15. I like this one a lot Lady Pen 🙂 🙂 xxx


  16. Very true Pen, you have to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes to feel their pain. lovely post XX


  17. vraiment très bien ce texte miss Pen !!! des mots qui savent toucher au plus profond d’un chacun
    bises à toi


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