Tag Archives: Reality

The Extra Mile…

 xtra mile 3  If we walked a
mile in each others shoes,
would we take more care of the
we choose?
Would it make us
reflect about others in
plight or would we sleep
easy, no nightmares to
fight. No hunger to stifle,
no thirst to implore,
would we walk a
mile, then one
mile more?

Rainbow Chain…

Rainbow Chain If
of danger
Does Green
signify peace?
   With White a sign
of purity maybe Black
is then release, from the many
colours that bind as the Rainbow Chain
holds you so tight,
each and everyday
an array of colours,
    everywhere you look with the gift of sight.



There’s a presence missing,
a loving sound gone too
brightness has dimmed
sudden smiles are few
realisation dawns
with each passing day
my friend and companion
you’ve left me alone to play. 

LadyP ©2011