Star Gazing…..


Darkest night


you ever
wonder what you are,
not who you are,  just what?
As if you live uneasy in the body you’ve got,
as if there should be something more,
to being who you
as if you’re ever
reaching for that extra special star.
You know the one, it shines twinkling bright
in the dark velvet of night
you look and you
what planet
has died to light, that beacon
way up there shining out so we can see,
as if ‘twas lit especially for you
and me.
I know, these
thoughts I sit and ponder,
silly I know, to let my mind wander
but do you ever wonder what it is you are,
not who, not why, just what
as you’re gazing
at that
LadyP © 2011

58 responses to “Star Gazing…..

  1. It’s remarkable we are actually made up of star stuff. Pen this is thought provoking the universe never ceases to amaze me. It’s by sure chance we are here at all. Makes you think we are very lucky. Wonderful hugs to you and dear Bessx Sheila and Wile- x


    • I think as you do Sheila, we are so lucky, as to how, why and what , maybe one day we will learn the full answer to all our questions, but ’til then we can stare in amazement at the heavenly firmament … Hugs to you and Wile-e, my friend, from me and Bess..xx


  2. It’s strange when most of the time we have been told to think of who we are and not what we are, when in truth, like how you have so eloquently put, we are a what just as much as we are a who.


  3. Hi Pen, I had to scroll down far to get the comments box, wow your poems really are appreciated, and rightly so.
    I’ve always been fascinated by the constellation Orion, it just looks so [almost] symmetrical, Much as I hate winter I always look out for it as it rises in the sky in December, like an old friend. OK call me barmy. Hope Bess is feeling good to-day how did the vet visit go? got more cartrophen for her. gentle hugs to her, and lightest of licks from T&R.
    warm wishes to you, I know you’re worrying. XXX


    • HI Arlene, glad you enjoyed the poem, I love to just play about with a thought and then try shapes too, seems to work sometimes… and I’d never call you barmy…honest!! 😀
      I’ve written an email to you about Bess and yesterdays Vets visit, from what they say things are not good, and I’m in tears again so I’d best stop there..
      hugs to you,Tango and Ruby, from a tearful me and a struggling Bess..xx


  4. Hi Lady P, I love your writing here…
    Love the way it flows…
    Yes I always do wonder about the why’s…
    Have a great day
    Hugs Lady J


  5. Great work! You knocked this one out of the park, didn’t you?


  6. Absolutely beautiful. Each and every minute of every day brings answers to what you have written here. Today I can read it and tomorrow it will change because what it is that’s me will too. That is the true genius of what you have written here. A poem to suit everyday.


    • Why thank you Leslie, for your wonderful comment, I find I do wonder a lot, about the Universe and it’s beginnings and ending of course, (not for ages yet I know) .. but I do find myself looking for something that ties us, bonds us , we are made of star dust, and maybe we do return home.,. who knows, ? Lovely to ponder don’t you think? xx


  7. Seth@ChaosHQ's

    What do I see when I look at the stars? I suppose I’d like to say something that sounds like the words of someone who is an expert in astronomy, but the only two words that come to mind are, “The heavens.” I am, of course, the sort who does wish on the first star. Besides having plenty of wishes that I’d like to have come true, I guess I need to see the dark, night, sky as that vast expanse of “somewhere out there”, dotted with sparkling diamonds that are somehow made of magic. To me, those sparkles in the night sky are our chance to experience our nightly dose of quiet magic that separates what are often some fairly unspectacular day-time skies.


    • Seth@ChaosHQ's

      Awe Pen, I live in the country and I star gaze a lot!!! It`s a way I find my release. When I look up at the stars (and in spite of knowing that the night sky is not nearly as quiet and still as it appears)… I see eternity and still, for some reason, believe they are magic enough to make wishes come true, guide us through the darkest night, and remind us that we (like they) have not really changed all that much no matter how many night skies were have seen.
      I see the handiwork of an incredibly creative person (or being). 🙂


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