Inner Voice..…

 Inner Voice 1
“Let me tell you a secret”
the voice softly said,
as I looked around
it seemed in my head.
I walked on a few paces
but the voice said again
’Let me tell you a secret
I can relieve your pain”

Inner Voice 1

My mind suddenly swirling
answering “I have no pain”
made the voice more insistent
as firmly it repeated again
”Let me tell you a secret
as only you can decide
should your heart be as open,
as your imagination is wide.”

Inner Voice 1

I surrendered the battle,
and finally said with a sigh
“Please tell me your secret
and to whom it does apply”
My Inner voice said softly
”It applies only to you
regain faith in yourself
just be resolute and true”

Inner Voice 1

“You are truly the sum
of those gone before,
just don’t lose heart,
should emotions be sore
you will meet once again
the ones you have lost
live your own life, be brave,
and never, ever count the cost…”

LadyP© 2011

28 responses to “Inner Voice..…

  1. Thus speaks the voice that knowns the cost of everything and the value of nothing…

    Love, live and be happy, for time is far too short for regrets…

    Love and huge hugs!!



  2. Yes, dear Lady, life is short but rich in experiences. My past is what brought me to this point in time and will help shape my choices for the future. We share many of the same viewpoints, embracing life as it comes, standing tall against violence, and opening our hearts to kindness and love.


    • Thank you Dan, for your lovely comment, we each of us have our pasts which brought us to this particular point in time, sharing views and opinions on what this life has to offer and what the future holds… Mysterious life and it’s twists and turns…where will it take us next? xx

      Inner Voice 1


  3. This is a really nice entry into your feast of poetic artistry my wicked great friend, a truly excellent offering that should generate a very good feedback, I for one certainly admire your style in writing…

    BTW –

    I have yet to comment upon your Little Green Smoking Dragon with Red Pipe, but never fear I will return to read that one again and add a comment too… Be very well Lady Pen…

    Androgoth XXx


    • Glad you enjoyed the poem and it’s subject, Andro,
      Pleased am I that you like my style,
      that you take the time to stay a while,
      to read my prose and short stories too,
      and leave your comments, please accept my thanks to you…xx

      Inner Voice 1


  4. This is just wonderful, Pen. The pain of loss, the glories of imagination and an open heart, hope for the future. You have said it all and beautifully.


    • I’m glad you enjoyed the poem, Monica, and the message within, I often wonder about the inner voice. The one which you can almost ‘hear’, is it your inner soul? your mind? your heart? or is it all three together? The sum of your being, advising and letting itself be heard… My sincere thanks for your comment and compliment, both very much appreciated…xx

      Inner Voice 1


  5. I love this one, Pen… exactly the way I think! I have another inner voice who likes his voice a little too much, but I always come back to thinking the way of your ‘Inner Voice’!
    Great post!


    • HI there Sir Aquatom, glad you enjoyed my foray into the realm of the inner voice, I listen to myself often, but whether I take the advice given is quite another matter … 😉 xx

      Inner Voice 1


  6. one of your best pen i really liked it searching the inner mind searching for the afterlife and lost ones is a lifelong ambition xxjen


    • my thanks Jen, I’m so pleased you enjoyed the poem, it started life as quite another storyline, then it changed tack, sometimes they almost gain a life of their own…but this subject is really very close to my heart, just as with you, searching for answers to complex things… many thanks for your lovely comment my friend..xx

      Inner Voice 1


  7. Wonderful Pen. I have great expectation of meeting my loved ones gone before i n the future but I still want to live my life now to the fullest.


    • I’m so glad you enjoyed this one Beth, it was truly something which started out as another subject, but insisted on this format… and seemed so right somehow…and yes, live today as if ’twas your last, as yesterday is gone, forever past….xx

      Inner Voice 1


  8. This brought tears to my eyes for reasons I don’t feel like I can explain right now. But it was a good thing.

    Thank you, Pen. 🙂


  9. That voice tells everything in a time when we don wanna listen to it… N its right most of the time… Nice poem… Very thoughtful… Love n hugs…:)


  10. Such wisdom is shown in this! I love it. xx


  11. Beautifully written reminder of how easily we turn off our soul; so much so that it has to get our attention by knocking and re-entering from somewhere outside ourselves. I like that about what you wrote, Pen. I get so tired ( I am guilty of this, also) of how we constantly play hide and seek with soul.


    • Thank you Leslie, for your thoughtful comment and compliment, in this loud and fast paced modern world we inhabit it’s no wonder we fail to hear our inner selves…There’s a lot to be said for meditation time..xx

      Inner Voice 1


  12. That is one wise inner voice.
    Excellent poem Pen


  13. Another fab poem, Lady P…


  14. Seth@ChaosHQ's

    We have to find ourselves & not abuse ones self and learn to love and trust…. what is good for us and remember what is bad for us, which we have learned from past experiences. To me, sometimes that inner voice feels like my conscience speaking to me. Othertimes it feels like my pride. I have to dig really deep to find it, and it usually knows what’s best for me. I can’t rely anymore on the little angel and devil things that sit on my shoulders and tell me what to do. 🙂


    • It’s very true what you say, Seth, sometimes it’s difficult to recognise the true inner voice. And the picture of the Little Devil and Angel sitting on your alternate shoulders arguing for your soul, like living epaulettes is one which is now firmly imprinted in my mind… 😉 xx

      Inner Voice 1


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