Daily Archives: June 21, 2010

Days to Die For…..


I have fat days and thin days,

good days and bad days,

days when I just want to hide out of sight,

I have up and then down days,

happy smile and sad cry days,

it’s wearing always trying to get things just right


Maybe a blue day, a red letter day

a sunshine and cloudy day

there are days when you want to be out and about

there are purple days of sadness

yellow days of gladness

and days of such happiness you just want to shout…


Now, today is a great day,

it’s a light day not a dark day,

it’s a day for finding all the things you thought lost

save a little bit from every day

have a mix and matching day,

add laughter, a few tears, and don’t ever count the cost…

LadyP © 2010

Now,  how’s your day been?