Peta Pen…

Peta PenI jumped the
age barrier,
“I did it”
I thought,
but my trailing
foot was caught.
I could see years
behind me, even
more up front, in fact
years lined up
from naught.
’Twas a terrible sight,
so many years gone,
Made me really
wonder, what
I’d actually
Crow Tattoo..Crow Tattoo..Crow Tattoo.. Crow Tattoo..Crow Tattoo..

What do you want to be when you grow up?” was a question I hated as a child… I didn’t know then  (I would stare at the questioner, hard…) and I don’t know now… I’ve not grown up you understand, in fact  never will this girl be grown up… a virtual Peta Pen … “Second star to the right, and straight on ’till morning.” … I refuse to age, I will put my foot down ‘n if I must be carried along by the years I’ll be kicking ‘n screaming ‘til I’m heard and taken notice of… NO more ageing, ‘tis the height of being ageist and I won’t stand for it… This year by year of being labelled, asked ‘your age please’ on forms, by anyone of a grown up nature. Surely you don’t need to ask, I’m so many years YOUNG for goodness sake… and I shall die young… That’s my story and I’m sticking to it… So there!!
Lady P (aka Pen)   xx

Age toon

*We’re Looking for someone with the wisdom of a 50 year old, the experience of a 40 year old, the drive of a 30 year old and the pay scale of a 20 year old…  *

68 responses to “Peta Pen…

  1. I am so with you there on this one Pen! I hate stupid agist questions! I am as old as my gums and a little older than my teeth! 😉 xxxx


  2. I agree with you as well, Pen. I’m a certain number of years along in this lifetime, but certainly DO NOT feel as ‘old’ as that number is. Even babies are classed as one year old… one month old… one of the questions in my recent post was when does new become old? We’re not old, we’re just HERE… we can feel old if we want to, but we don’t have to. I don’t. You don’t. And I’m sure there are plenty of others who don’t! 😀 Great post, Lady P!


  3. Hallo liebe Pen ich bin auch schon alt aber nicht so alt um jeden spass mitzumachen, man ist ja immer so alt wie man sich fühlt und ich fühle mich jung und frisch wie ein junger Pfirsich am Baum.Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Ostermontag,und eine gute April Woche.Grüße von mir.Gislinde


    • no age limit on having fun, Gislinde, I agree… you’re as young as you feel, and I think all of us have days when we feel younger and older than our actual years… 🙂 … hugs to you… xPenx
      Crow Tattoo..


  4. Awww nice one Pen , yes I refuse to age , dressed up like a dogs dinner what a strange expression that is. Run free be happy I don’t care what they think I’m staying young in my heart .
    Hope April brings us all warmer weather we are hoping so we are.
    Lovely poem
    Hugs Sheila xx


  5. My body may age and hurt more as it gets older, but I am 21 at heart and refuse to grow up!!! 🙂

    Love and hugs!



  6. I hear you, Pen. I still don’t know what I want to be and as the years go by and I look back? I know I’ve been. I guess that is the sum of it, right? Good poem.


  7. LAdy P Age thats just a number.
    so dont worry..we all have such moments. Enjoy u hear!!


  8. I’ve been around…well a long time, and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I’m having fun just the way things are! 🙂
    I hated that question too, Pen!
    But here’s one you might like. Biscuit or muffin? Your choice, or both with jams of your choice. 🙂
    Love and hugs xxx


    • that’s the main ingredient methinks, Deb, having fun on the way…otherwise why bother?… Sorry for the late response, but should the offer still stand, I shall join you in a Coffee and Muffin, with Blueberry Jam… (Yummmy 🙂 ) xPenx
      Crow Tattoo..


  9. my chickadee Pen I have nominated you for an award. All details on your award ( the first one) at hugs willow. xxxxx


  10. I will be forever young, however each paper that I fill out wants my age. Great post Pen! xx


  11. What jumped out at me were your lines,

    “I could see years
    behind me, even
    more up front, in fact
    years lined up
    from naught.”

    What is it that makes us dwell in the time gone by and that in the front? Is it the regrets of the past and the anxieties of the future? What is it we need to do to cut such attachments and jump into a mindset of living the present?



    • I think we’re all conditioned to dwell on the past, and the future when taking into account our decisions in this life, Shakti,… the present is shaped by the past, and sometimes I think too much credence is placed on age and how we apply ourselves… Youth is a state of mind methinks.. Many thanks for your contribution to the subject… xPenx
      Crow Tattoo..


  12. Beautiful words well spoken from the heart. I find myself asking the same thing when I’m alone and the world so quiet and still. We can only make the most of what we have know. It’s not too late to catch up.


  13. Just wish we could all be forever young. Lovely poem Lady P x


  14. That’s the big question isn’t it, did I waste my life or lived to the fullest


  15. I has so much NAUGHT in my body with after one after one years after work well for most of time.
    Thank you Pen!


  16. Absolutely! And anyways you’re only as old as you feel right? I also have no idea what I am doing with my life. Well I thought I did but now I have been idle I am worried I have picked the wrong field… I guess time anf experience will only tell! Great poem Pen! Inspired lots of thinking 🙂


    • Yup indeed, Andini, think young, be young and keep your attitude young, and who knows?… mayhap it’s the panacea for all that ails us… I hope your doubts fade away my young friend, and certainties take their place…Hugs to you … xPenx
      Crow Tattoo..


  17. Pen, I am only as young as I feel, and Im an eternal being who is ageless 🙂 Enjoyed your poem and keep flying! Pen the Pan..


  18. Age? it’s all in the mind Pen, you’re as young as you think you are, and I’m younger than she is, so who am I to argue!!


  19. Sorry I haven’t been around for a while, so much to do and so little time, and hibernation makes you so lethargic.


    • ’tis a desperate time with Winter trying to keep it’s grip on us Arlene, saw the sun today… and Wow!! … made such a difference, no wonder they talk about ‘SAD’ and the lack of the uplifting effect of Serotonin from the Suns Rays, mayhap an investment in a Sunlamp with UV filters would be an idea… 🙂 xx
      Crow Tattoo..


  20. Liebe Freundin danke für deinen lieben Besuch ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag und ein schönes glückliches sonniges weekend.Grüße lieb Gislinde


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